Release time:2024-11-18 views:121
Shanghai Jiao Tong University offers a variety of scholarships for international master's students, including the Chinese Government Scholarship (CGS), Shanghai Municipal Government Scholarship (SGS), SJTU Scholarship, and College/School Scholarships. Applicants must choose the appropriate application channel for their scholarship application.
* The tuition for the international master's program in Energy and Power Engineering is 60,000 RMB per year.
1. Apply through Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)
·Applicants can apply for China Government Scholarships (CGS) through the SJTU application system. If an applicant is not selected for the CGS, the university will automatically consider them for Shanghai Government Scholarships and SJTU Scholarships.
· Apply via the SJTU online system:
· Select “Apply for Scholarship through SJTU”.
· The agency code for SJTU is 10248.
2. Apply through Chinese Embassies/Consulates
· Applicants can only apply for China Government Scholarships (CGS) through the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in their home country. This channel does not offer access to Shanghai Government Scholarships or SJTU Scholarships.
· The application period is typically from November to April, and applicants must contact their local Chinese Embassy/Consulate for details on eligibility, documents, and application procedures.
· Applicants must also apply through the SJTU online system in addition to the Embassy/Consulate application.